Monday, September 27, 2010

Day 7

So the one that walked.
First thing you notice is the red. This communicates to you that she has style because it's nicely contrasted with her jeans and top.
Next is the hair. The kind of straight black that gleams and looks like some poor raven has had it's colour stolen.
After that was the tiny nose piercing surrounded by, not a perfect face, but a perfectly flawed face. Something beautiful but real at the same time.
And then of course was the body. Which was hard to miss.

All of this and she is just passing you on the tram.

She sits down the seat behind you. At this point your friend has realized your not listening any more. From that point on you half listen.

Getting caught maybe two or three times looking at her. You notice she's reading a book. The guide to leading a happy life or something.

After ten minutes of not talking to her she gets up to leave, but instead of going to the closest door, she comes over to yours.

You remember something you read and smile before you look at her.
You almost forget what you were going to say when she returns a smile that would stop the sun setting.
You manage to stammer out
"Have you read the secret?"
"No" she replies "What's that?"
"A similar book"
She smiles as the tram stops and she gets off.
Getting up to follow out after her before you continue your conversation...

Is exactly what you should've done.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Done. Finished work, bit of a relief really. It feels as if life has just down geared and we hit 5000 revs. Slammed back in my seat and sliding sideways out of control.

Done. Finished work, bit of a relief really. It feels as if life has just down geared and we hit 5000 revs. Slammed back in my seat and sliding sideways out of control.

Except I'm in control because I'm always in control. I've been trying lately to almost detach from my life for a few moments and look at it as if I was an observer. What I've seen is success, at things I've been working hard at for a long time.

Things such as my social life, projecting the image I want others to see, conversational skills have gone through the roof. Ladies have been good too. All these areas of my life have improved and all of it because I've been working hard and not thinking about it. But one thing that continues to fuck me harder than anything is money. I have never been in a more, love hate relationship with anything or anyone than money. When I don't have it, life is easy. It seems to be that when I get it my problems start to occur.

Saving is a cunt. I'll be honest and brutal. It is so bad. I just can't seem to do it.

But you just gotta keep practicing until it gets easier. That's all I've really got now.

Moral of this post is... I've lost my train of thought.

Something along the lines of never give up.

Sent from my iPhone

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Day 6

How to start? This one is for nick.

You think you've got it all sorted out and calculated and then one little thing comes along and un-thefuck-does it. Throws you completely off track. Changes your focus, your whole pace is thrown out of whack. Unwinds every fucking thread you've worked so hard to weave together.

But shit happens. Easy to say isn't it? Easy to say when some one else is dealing with it.

Something that kind of hits me here is the hardest part about being part of a team isn't risking your own neck, it's watching your team members risk theirs.

So you hurting isn't nearly as hard as watching some one hurt, who means something to you, no matter how little or how much, and not being able to do a goddamn thing about it.

Then the other frustrating part is: am I reacting as I normally would? Or am I different. Should I do it this way? Why isn't this way working? You start second guessing yourself, which doesn't help either. You want to do something but your not sure if it's the right thing and your scared it will ruin what your trying to do if it's not.


I'll work it out one day.
If any one has any tips,
Feel free to send them through.


Friday, May 28, 2010

Day 5

Get what you like or learn to like what you get. It's the key to
bloody life. I was talking to some bloke today and we were comparing
pay rates, he seemed to think it was all about the money and I used
this example on him.

I said look mate, I said as only tradies can say would you rather suck
off guys for $700 an hour, or would you rather root amazingly hot
ladies for $2.50 an hour? Pretty fucking easy answer. Get out of
whatever your doing and find a job that you love enough to get up
everyday for 2.50 an hour. Go root some birds.

This has been a two part blog. And right now I'm in Perth in a four
star hotel about to fucking explode.

Purely because I wasn't good enough. I didn't perform. I think that
it's like my secret fear. I don't even fucking know where this is going.

Not performing is worse than making a mistake because even making a
mistake means you've got an excuse for not doing well. It shits you up
the fucking wall. All you gotta do is then make sure you do better
next time. Which is hard.

But if I'm not hard on myself who will be? No one is going to go out
there and do it for me are they?

So if I want to get better I have to be better. I can't settle for
less and I think that is the key. No one is happy with "less" most are
just lazy and give up or can't be bothered to do better.

So take a leaf from me. Get the fuck up. Own up. Be accountable for
what you achieve and what you don't and then do something fucking
about it.

Mr. XL

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Day 4

It's been a while. New job, new lifestyle, new life really. New friends new money new clothes. New attitude.

This one is going to be about loyalty. Possibly the most important quality in a person. I've really learnt a lot about loyalty and how it works, why and what kind of people recieve mine. But also the different types of loyalty.

There is loyalty over time, born purely due to unwavering assistance and support that never falters.

Loyalty of that of a king to his subjects, whom he owes a duty of protection. But this has many ways of manifesting it's self. The one most prominent in my life right now being the one of a teacher to a student.

The way that a teacher takes his inspiration from his students success and revels in the glory of helping others achieve.

Also that of student to teacher. Disciple to master. Soldier to general. The knowledge that if this person asked you would do, with out hesitation, but coupled with the knowledge that they would never abuse that privilage. And I am proud to say that there are few people who command this sort of loyalty from me. But those who do will have it for life.

That of the loyalty to oneself. Standing by what you believe is right no matter who is telling you that you are wrong. Because there are not many better feelings than knowing you stood up for what you believed was right and not many worse feelings than the feeling of wishing you had.

I've been lucky enough to have experienced all of these in the past few weeks. I've met people I would gladly walk infront of traffic for.

And people who I crave to teach new things and help make more successful.

Although there are people out there who do abuse the privilage of these things. And they are not to be put up with. Fool me once shame on you. Fool me twice... Shame on me. If someone abuses these privilages, do not be misguided by the fact that they are smiling and friendly. Because some one who will abuse it once will abuse it twice.

Do not let them and do not accept an apology.

Because those who do not respect. Do not deserve to be respected.

Mr XL.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Day 3

Ok, so the last few days have been crazy, interesting to say the least. The first thing I would like to get out of the way upfront was I did something I had never done before. Yes, I bought a fifteen dollar orange juice, and take it from some one who knows, it wasn’t worth it.

I’ve had a wide array of experiences these last couple of days but what seems to be a reoccurring factor is that the things I've said I am going to do. Have happened. I remember telling my dad once or five hundred times, I'm going to wear a suit and work in the city earning heaps of money like you. Yesterday I was wearing a suit whilst getting a job in the city that will potentially earn a large amount of money.

Another that sticks out is my telling a close friend that we would soon be hanging back at our local club after hours with the management. Due to some hard spadework before hand it happened that night.

Another few that stand out is when I said I would back flip a push bike. Which I at least got upside down with.

I was going to jump a huge jump today that no one thought I could do. Which I did.

That one day, I was going to be with that girl. Which I was, a long time after I said it, but never the less it still happened.

So when we break this down there are a few reasons to say things are going to happen before they do.

It starts a chain of events. Some times referred to a yes ladder. E.G Can I have five dollars? Answer: No. But go about it this way. Do you have five dollars? Yes. It’s only a small amount of money really isn’t it? Yes. So if you lost it, you would barely think about it? Yes. You’ve got more money after that don’t you? Yes. Can I have five dollars? Yes.

Not a great example, buuuut you get the idea.

It’s the same in your head. Saying your going to do something sets the ball rolling and your body works out how to do it.

So I am going to own the dream cars of my choice, at least one of them this year.

I am going to move out this year.

I am only going to have awesome, great people who I can trust around me in my life.

By the end of the year I’m going to have the most money I’ve ever had in my savings.

Check back in one year ;)
Leave comments guys!


Thursday, March 25, 2010

Day 2

This one goes out to our ex's. Most of us have one if not more. They're there even if we wish they weren't. Some of you still speak to them, personally I don't understand how you can do that, not on a day to day basis.

So I lie in bed as I write this, in a slightly compromising situation I get a message "OMG is this your blog? How have you been?" Now it's not every 11:41pm that you get a message from someone you never expected to really hear from again. It's sends a funny array of emotions through your system, I guess you could relate it to jumpstarting your car, you know the feeling you get when you know you’re breaking down... That sinking feeling, then the feeling of elation when your mate picks up the phone... The adrenaline of your car actually starting... When you see who the message is from, then reply and all of a sudden you’re talking about the sex you used to have?

Then the memories hit you like a freight train, the time on the train, the tree, school, boathouse, the first night over, the second, the third, first orgasms, the movie tickets, the way past it's used by date chupa-chup you've got? The words you used to say... "otay" "res" silly things like that.

Then you sit back and think wow... Those were the days. Maybe you should talk to your ex once in a while, I still listen to the band of the guy she cheated on me with, weird huh? But hey... No bad feelings towards any parties. You have to let that shit go. Move on. I could go on all night but I won't. I'll post again about letting shit go and moving on in my next blog.

But for this one, just remember your ex wasn't always your ex...


Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Day 1

One day your life will flash before your eyes, Make sure it's worth watching. So when I look back and think, what would my life look like when it does flash before my eyes I like to think that it would have the unique parts in it, the things that make me, me I guess. Now I’m guessing most people would say first day of primary school, first day of high school, first time they had sex blah blah blah. Boring stock standard crap. I don’t think I can even remember that stuff... maybe the first time I had sex, but that’s it.

Mine will be the first time I got hit by a car, the first time I got in trouble with the police, when I got my license, then when it got suspended, the first three cars I ever owned, the day I caught looking at porn in primary school in grade 5. The first threesome I had. But also, the first time I flipped my pushbike, the day I rode home from my girlfriends which took me two hours in the middle of the night. The day my mate said he loved me. The first James Bond story I wrote. the day where I had to decide what kind of person I was, the day I realised that I did something nice that no one would ever know about, the day where I could stand back and look at what I created and feel proud. The day I realised I wasn’t a kid anymore.

And then I think, how the fuck is all of that and more going fit into the space of time who ever upstairs has allotted me to sit back and watch my life, right before it ends.