Thursday, March 25, 2010

Day 2

This one goes out to our ex's. Most of us have one if not more. They're there even if we wish they weren't. Some of you still speak to them, personally I don't understand how you can do that, not on a day to day basis.

So I lie in bed as I write this, in a slightly compromising situation I get a message "OMG is this your blog? How have you been?" Now it's not every 11:41pm that you get a message from someone you never expected to really hear from again. It's sends a funny array of emotions through your system, I guess you could relate it to jumpstarting your car, you know the feeling you get when you know you’re breaking down... That sinking feeling, then the feeling of elation when your mate picks up the phone... The adrenaline of your car actually starting... When you see who the message is from, then reply and all of a sudden you’re talking about the sex you used to have?

Then the memories hit you like a freight train, the time on the train, the tree, school, boathouse, the first night over, the second, the third, first orgasms, the movie tickets, the way past it's used by date chupa-chup you've got? The words you used to say... "otay" "res" silly things like that.

Then you sit back and think wow... Those were the days. Maybe you should talk to your ex once in a while, I still listen to the band of the guy she cheated on me with, weird huh? But hey... No bad feelings towards any parties. You have to let that shit go. Move on. I could go on all night but I won't. I'll post again about letting shit go and moving on in my next blog.

But for this one, just remember your ex wasn't always your ex...


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