Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Day 1

One day your life will flash before your eyes, Make sure it's worth watching. So when I look back and think, what would my life look like when it does flash before my eyes I like to think that it would have the unique parts in it, the things that make me, me I guess. Now I’m guessing most people would say first day of primary school, first day of high school, first time they had sex blah blah blah. Boring stock standard crap. I don’t think I can even remember that stuff... maybe the first time I had sex, but that’s it.

Mine will be the first time I got hit by a car, the first time I got in trouble with the police, when I got my license, then when it got suspended, the first three cars I ever owned, the day I caught looking at porn in primary school in grade 5. The first threesome I had. But also, the first time I flipped my pushbike, the day I rode home from my girlfriends which took me two hours in the middle of the night. The day my mate said he loved me. The first James Bond story I wrote. the day where I had to decide what kind of person I was, the day I realised that I did something nice that no one would ever know about, the day where I could stand back and look at what I created and feel proud. The day I realised I wasn’t a kid anymore.

And then I think, how the fuck is all of that and more going fit into the space of time who ever upstairs has allotted me to sit back and watch my life, right before it ends.


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