Friday, May 28, 2010

Day 5

Get what you like or learn to like what you get. It's the key to
bloody life. I was talking to some bloke today and we were comparing
pay rates, he seemed to think it was all about the money and I used
this example on him.

I said look mate, I said as only tradies can say would you rather suck
off guys for $700 an hour, or would you rather root amazingly hot
ladies for $2.50 an hour? Pretty fucking easy answer. Get out of
whatever your doing and find a job that you love enough to get up
everyday for 2.50 an hour. Go root some birds.

This has been a two part blog. And right now I'm in Perth in a four
star hotel about to fucking explode.

Purely because I wasn't good enough. I didn't perform. I think that
it's like my secret fear. I don't even fucking know where this is going.

Not performing is worse than making a mistake because even making a
mistake means you've got an excuse for not doing well. It shits you up
the fucking wall. All you gotta do is then make sure you do better
next time. Which is hard.

But if I'm not hard on myself who will be? No one is going to go out
there and do it for me are they?

So if I want to get better I have to be better. I can't settle for
less and I think that is the key. No one is happy with "less" most are
just lazy and give up or can't be bothered to do better.

So take a leaf from me. Get the fuck up. Own up. Be accountable for
what you achieve and what you don't and then do something fucking
about it.

Mr. XL

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Day 4

It's been a while. New job, new lifestyle, new life really. New friends new money new clothes. New attitude.

This one is going to be about loyalty. Possibly the most important quality in a person. I've really learnt a lot about loyalty and how it works, why and what kind of people recieve mine. But also the different types of loyalty.

There is loyalty over time, born purely due to unwavering assistance and support that never falters.

Loyalty of that of a king to his subjects, whom he owes a duty of protection. But this has many ways of manifesting it's self. The one most prominent in my life right now being the one of a teacher to a student.

The way that a teacher takes his inspiration from his students success and revels in the glory of helping others achieve.

Also that of student to teacher. Disciple to master. Soldier to general. The knowledge that if this person asked you would do, with out hesitation, but coupled with the knowledge that they would never abuse that privilage. And I am proud to say that there are few people who command this sort of loyalty from me. But those who do will have it for life.

That of the loyalty to oneself. Standing by what you believe is right no matter who is telling you that you are wrong. Because there are not many better feelings than knowing you stood up for what you believed was right and not many worse feelings than the feeling of wishing you had.

I've been lucky enough to have experienced all of these in the past few weeks. I've met people I would gladly walk infront of traffic for.

And people who I crave to teach new things and help make more successful.

Although there are people out there who do abuse the privilage of these things. And they are not to be put up with. Fool me once shame on you. Fool me twice... Shame on me. If someone abuses these privilages, do not be misguided by the fact that they are smiling and friendly. Because some one who will abuse it once will abuse it twice.

Do not let them and do not accept an apology.

Because those who do not respect. Do not deserve to be respected.

Mr XL.